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From USA Today Bestselling Author Russell Nohelty

Nobody can believe I'm offering my bestselling comic book series for this price. My wife even told me I was giving away too much for too little. Maybe she's right, but I'm doing it anyway.

But there's a have to buy it directly from me before this timer runs out.

Otherwise, it's gone forever.

A psychological mind screw...

Hello book lover!!!

Are you obsessed with mythology?

Do you go gaga for monsters?

Do you love exploring new fantastical worlds?

Then you'll love my 16-issue portal fantasy, horror-comedy series, Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter.


$40         :  $20


Limited time offer. 

What is Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter?

Ichabod Jones is a portal-fantasy horror-comedy comic book series about a mental patient that escapes an asylum and becomes a monster hunter during the Apocalypse, but doesn't know if he's killing monsters, humans, or if it's all in his head the whole time.  

It's a complete fantastical and psychological mindscrew that brings a whole new twist to the chosen one narrative. 

What happens if somebody objectively evil in the eyes of society woke up in a new world where everything that made him an outcast gave him the chance to become a hero? 

That's what Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter explores with action, adventure, magic, and humor. 

Ichabod comes from a deep, almost primordial, place in my soul. It's the part that devours movies like In the Mouth of Madness, Event Horizon, and Jacob's Ladder, while still binging on Gravity Falls, Frankenweenie, and Army of Darkness. It's the part that read Johnny the Homicidal Maniac and laughed hysterically at every gruesome scene.

Ichabod has been imprisoned in a mental asylum for crimes he definitely committed. When he was arrested, the police found him wrist-deep in the guts of his latest victim.

While he's never claimed he was innocent, he says he only committed atrocious acts because an authoritative, and unwelcome, voice in his head told him he was doing God's work.

He tried to say no to the voice, but it was very insistent and persuasive. It told Ichabod that the people he was killing were monsters and he was saving the world by murdering them.

He was wrong...or so he thought.


We've gotten some great reviews over the years.

If you’ve got a taste for unconventional and offbeat horror, then don’t miss Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter!" – Bryant Dillon, President: Fanbase Press

"Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter – is a glimpse into the abyss. Renzo Podesta’s art fits perfectly. If you love your horror gritty, gory, and psychological, pick up a copy." –

"Ichabod Jones: Monster Hunter" gets a 5 out of 5 for me. A nicely done little indie horror comic that could. Nice atmospheric artwork, good characters." –

“One HELLUVA ride through one obstacle after another, only to be reminded that we truly possess the power in ourselves to make things right. Ichabod Jones is a series immersed with action, drama, horror, and all the feels. It is one series that will make you rethink how you see epics unfold! Demon Seal of Approval proudly displayed on this title!!”

-Phil Lockler, One HELLUVA Show

I am so appreciative of all the amazingly supportive press reviewers we've met over the years. However, the most important reviews to me are from fans just like you.

Check out what other fans are saying about Ichabod.

Limited time offer. 

What is the series about, really though?

Spoiler alert: It's not just about blood and guts. 

At the beginning of the story, Ichabod wakes up in the Apocalypse, being chased by a monster trying to devour his soul. He has no choice but to use his training as a monster hunter to fight off the beast, and accept his fate as the savior of the world.

He meets a band of other inmates, helps them escape the asylum, and they begin their long journey across the desert to freedom, trying to carve out a bit of humanity as they go.

Something strange happens to Ichabod throughout the story, and I say strange in a tale that is already at 11 on the strange meter.

Every now and then...he snaps back to another place, where he's sitting with his doctor, talking out what just happened to him, or on the run from the law, and definitely NOT in the Apocalypse.

Is he really there, is it a memory, or is he having a psychological break?

It's that juxtaposition between reality and perception that makes Ichabod special. It's not just an Apocalypse story, or a dark fantasy tale, or a chosen one book. It also messes with your very perception of the universe, and whether Ichabod is truly a hero, or a psychopath killing the innocent.

After all, he was wrong about being a savior once, and that's what got him locked away in the first place. What's to say he's not wrong again, only now he's having a much more vivid hallucination?

Or perhaps he's only fantasizing about being a hero, while being locked in his cell, unable to smell freedom ever again.

Ichabod isn't about some mental patient who's ruthlessly killing people. It's about a broken man, who was cast off by society, and whether that person, a person who nobody wants, can be a hero.

Can he find his place in the world? Can he come to terms with everything that he's done? Can he become a hero?

I'm very interested in that idea, as a person who is severely broken myself. I've had depression and anxiety for as long as I can remember, and it's getting worse with every passing year.

I never felt like I fit in for the first 30 years of my life. It wasn't until I went out into the world and became the hero of my own story that I started to think that maybe I wasn't the worst human being on the planet.

Ichabod, though, came from a place where I was: very much alone, broken, and wondering if it would ever get better.

I think what makes Ichabod really special is that it was started by a person who never knew if he could be fixed, one who felt like he was cast off from society, and now it's being written by a person who understands that the broken bits are what make him special.

See, Ichabod, at its core, is about hope. It's about taking what's special about you and using it to bring light into the world; of shining hope in a bleak universe. Ichabod's world is harrowing and awful, but Ichabod can bring light into it, not despite being broken, but because of it.

What is included in this bundle?

Sixteen issues of portal fantasy, horror-comedy comics across four volumes. 

READY to jump into thIS EXCITING NEW world?

Get all 4 graphic novel ebooks for 50% off cover price. 

$40           $20


Limited time offer. 

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