Thank you so much! 

Before you go we have an awesome one-time offer on our most powerful course to help supercharge your author career. 

Learn how to find your perfect readers, get more preorders for your books, build the foundation of a sustainable, full-time, author business, and have fun doing it with a USA Today bestselling author!

$497   $97

Writers love this course!

Your Build a Superfandom course is a LIFE CHANGER. I’m sure I’m going to have to watch it like 20 times to absorb everything. I’m still mind blown about the customer avatar thing. It’s freaking brilliant. Seriously. And I’m not a planner by nature, but I like what working on the strategic planning is doing for me. Like...WOW.

Chelsea Clemmons Moye

I was ecstatic to find a course like his that seemed directly tailored to people like me. But I never could have anticipated the true success it brought.

After taking the course and following its instructions to the letter, I had more success when launching my first novel then I ever thought possible.

Jessica Schmidt

I've worked in Advertising and Marketing for over 20 years as a designer
but struggled to grow my audience as an illustrator. It wasn't until taking Russell's course that I started to really understand how marketing works sales have literally doubled this year.

MAtthew Childers

If you can only afford one course, make it this one. There are a lot of ones out there that will promise the moon, but barely get you out of the driveway. Build a Superfandom delivers on everything it promises and then some.

Galen Surlak-Ramsey

What is the secret to author success?

I've been working with authors for over a decade and the #1 secret to author success is the size of a writer's superfandom. These are the people who fawn over your work and spend good money to buy every edition no matter how obscure. They preorder every book months in advance and eagerly await release day with bated breath.

The more superfans you have, the better support you have for all your readers, from casual readers who just found out about you to people who read your work religiously, to those who spend hundreds on your work every year.

Yes, a large part of it is the quality of the writing, but I know genius-level authors who don't have two pennies to rub together and barely competent authors who make a mint.

The difference between them is the size and ferocity of their audience, which is why this course exists. The size of your superfan is a function of how many people know you exist and how much those people know, like, and trust you. If you want 1,000 true fans who will obsess over your work, you need to be read by a lot of people and have a system to gather those who love your work so you can talk to them.

That's exactly what this course shows you how to do. It's not a writing course, but it will show you how to build the systems to turn your writing into money in the most effective way I know how. I've been a successful, six-figure creative human since 2017, and that's all because I've built a superfan that supports me mentally, emotionally, and financially.

I'm not a special snowflake. I've taught hundreds of authors how to do the exact same thing and turn their writing into a sustainable business that feeds and nourishes them.

What if you hate marketing? 

The most common thing I hear from authors is some version of "I hate marketing my books" or "Marketing my books makes me feel gross". I'm very sympathetic to this view. In fact, this course was designed with that author in mind, so that even somebody who hates marketing can learn how to find those who resonate on the same frequency of weird as them without selling their soul or feeling gross about it.

At its core, marketing is about finding people who resonate with your work, which is what every author, at their core, is trying to find. Yes, there's a lot of rejection, but this course shows you how to look past that and focus on finding those people who love your work.

If you're looking for your "1,000 True Fans", then you need to weed through a lot of people who won't be fans to find them. Build a Superfandom shows you how to make the powerful mental shift that allows you to do that work with joy, build the structures in place to embrace those superfans when you find them, and keep them close while you search for more, little by little until you have a powerful readership.

The truth is that marketing is not the problem. The way people talk about marketing and sales is the problem. The way people treat readers like nothing more than a $20 bill is the problem, but there is a better way.

I've taught thousands of authors at all stages of their careers how to build an audience of your perfect readers, and this methodology is how anyone can do the same. I've met a lot of authors who don't care about money, but I've never met one who doesn't care about making a bigger impact with their work by finding more readers to devour their work.

Whether you work in non-fiction or fiction, in romance or horror, intend to self publish or want a publishing deal, the key to building the career you want comes down to creating a fandom of readers who love your work, and Build a Superfandom shows you how to build a readership that will love your work and allow you to make the kinds of books that you want, no matter how weird or mainstream, far into the future.

Plus, get my most powerful audience building books for free!

Even if don't think you're ready to build an audience yet, you'll also receive my three non-fiction books, that can give your a strong foundation to help you make sense of this course.

You'll receive these books in both ebook and audiobook (a $70 value) on top of getting 80% off my most popular course.

$497   $97

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What would I go back and tell my past self that would take years off my own struggle and make me a successful writer without wasting time, energy, effort, and money?

This course was the answer to that question.

Are you a creative who's sick of agonizing to make enough money?
Have you spent years banging your head against a brick wall, trying to make it work with little success to show for it?
Are you struggling to connect with a fan base of excited customers?

I've spent the last decade building my creative writing business from just a few thousand dollars a year into a successful six-figure business without using fan art, licensing products, or relying on public domain characters.

In that time, I have become a USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR, raised over $100,000 on Kickstarter, and grown my email list to tens of thousands of superfans.

I've written novels, graphic novels, non-fiction books, and even drawn avant garde comics. No matter what I write, all my books make money. Best of all, almost every dollar I've made comes from characters that I created out of my own head...and I want to show you how to do it, too.

It is possible. You can be successful in your own creative career. I built this curriculum from the ground up with the struggling creative in mind.

With most courses, you not only pay for the course, but then have to invest thousands of dollars before seeing any results from it!

Not this one.

This is all about the tricks, tips, and hacks you can use TODAY, to increase your customer base and exponentially increase your sales IMMEDIATELY without a massive upfront investment!Inside this course you'll learn how to find the perfect client in ten minutes of work, make the perfect product your audience is dying to buy, without any guess work, build your audience, and make more money as your fan base grows.

I've taught these same tactics at conventions and schools across the country, but this is the first time I've brought them all together in an easy-to-follow course packed with value. Here are just a couple of companies that have trusted me to teach their creatives.

What if you could save one year off your struggle to build a successful author career?

Build the fandom of your dreams starting today...even if you haven't written a book yet!

What's inside the course?

Getting your mindset right for audience growth
How to find your perfect reader
How to decide what book to write that you know your audience will love
Building an audience growth funnel
Scaling your audience growth funnel

Plus, get a six-month membership to The Author Stack for free!

Take your career to the next level with our most popular membership.

Take advantage of this deal and get a six-month membership to The Author Stack, where you can access over 650 exclusive posts, including courses like Create Profitable Facebook Ads, Write a Great Novel, How to Build Your Audience from Scratch, and more. Plus, access over 600 exclusive posts, interviews, and articles. (A $30 value)

The timer has expired!

What makes this course different?

Most author coaches and teachers have only had success in one modality, but I’ve touched almost every facet of authorship and creativity and been blessed to be pretty successful with most of them. Even the ones that flamed out have taught me a lot about how to build a path for other people.

I’ve written over 40 novels, yes, but I also write non-fiction, comics, and children’s books.

I have written for magazines and newspapers across the country, along with working on licensed content for many companies. I’ve created over a dozen courses and built countless websites.

I have worked with hundreds of photography clients and traveled around the world to work on movies. I’ve directed television and written web series. I have produced audio dramas, narrated audiobooks, and hosted podcasts.

I’ve spoken at conferences, educational institutions, and private companies around the world, and sat on advisory boards across multiple creative industries. I have licensed books to board game companies and coffee distributors.

I’ve had my work optioned by studios and pitched to companies like Nickelodeon and Disney. I have been repped by literary agents and managers and worked with A-list showrunners to package projects for Hollywood.

I’ve sold my books into translation and done book signings on multiple continents. I have edited and contributed to dozens of anthologies. I’ve raised close to a million dollars on my own creative projects throughout my career and helped hundreds of creatives build successful careers for themselves.

If you want to find clarity in your author business, stop kicking against the current while barely getting anywhere, and are ready to jump into the future with a business that can sustain you for years, then you are in the right place.

USA Today bestselling author Russell Nohelty

"I've helped hundreds of authors build their careers and I can't wait to help you as well."

What if you could stop struggling to build your author career?

Plus, get these bonuses for free!

Receive all three of my non-fiction books in ebook and audiobook


Total Value: $70.00

How to Build Your Creative Career will give you the foundations concepts you need to start your career strong. Then, How to Become a Successful Author will help you hone in on your author career. Finally, Advanced Growth Tactice for Authors will take it to the next level.

Join us behind the paywall of The Author Stack for six months to supercharge your growth


Total Value: $30.00

Once you've taken the course and read the books, join us behind the paywall to continue your journey with over 650 exclusive posts, interviews, articles, and courses, including Create Profitable Facebook Ads, Write a Great Novel, How to Build an Audience from Scratch, 10x your Productivity, and more.

What you get when you join us

Build a Superfandom course. - ($497 Value)
The Complete Creative 3-book bundle in ebook and audiobook. - ($70 Value)
The Author Stack 6-month membership, including 650+ exclusive member-only posts - ($30 Value)

Total value: $597

The timer has expired!


Can't I just write books and not market them?

Yes, you can, as long as you are okay with very few people reading them. Every single career has responsibilities beyond just the work they love. A plumber or doctor has to learn how to market their services, do admin, etc. Even if they hire out that service, usually they don't have the profit margin to hire out for a while. This course is designed to give you the highest leverage activities so you can do as few of them as possible and get the highest impact.

Marketing sucks.

That's not a question, but yes, I agree. The way most people teach marketing sucks, but at its core marketing is about finding the people who resonate deeply with your message and build out a fandom. There's a lot of other stuff that gums up the works, but at it's core, that's the experience I'm trying to get you to hold onto in this course as we build the structures.

This is very hard. Can't I just not do it? 

Yes, you absolutely can punt this stuff, but if you want to find readers who adore your work, you will have to at least do some of it eventually. Doing hard things is hard and this is one of them. Marketing is hard at the beginning because you are setting up a flywheel, which are almost impossible to get started but become easier over time. Once you have a flywheel humming, you will see that it's easier and easier to make it work for you in ever more impactful ways.

I'm not seeing the success I want, so why even bother?

Writing success is a function of the quality of your writing and the quality of your marketing. If you write great books, then what needs to change is the size of your audience, which is what we teach inside the course. Anyone who told you otherwise is telling pork pies.

Do you offer a refund?

No, we don't. We are offering a substantial discount on the course, along with the membership and our three non-fiction books. We are offering this because we want to encourage you to take a chance on our work and have it change the entire trajectory of your career.

How do I know you're not just blowing smoke? You are a marketing guy after all.

Fair, all I can say is that I have built my career out in the open. I have all my income reports available for members inside The Author Stack. You can read a lot of my work for free and listen to as well. You can look me up. I'm very Googleable, and listen to see if it works for you. I don't want you to buy a thing you don't want that can't help you. I already know what exists on the other side of this decision, but I want you to be comfortable with it, too.

What if I haven't written a book yet? 

No worries. I recommend you start with reading The Author Stack and diving into all the supports we have there, including our Write a Great Novel course, which is available to paid members. You can get a year of access for $20 at:

Not ready to get access?

That's okay. You can read a lot of The Author Stack for free and find out if what I teach resonates with you.

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