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Chaos (#11)

The Godsverse is a portal fantasy universe where all gods are real, but they are kind of useless dicks, just like the old gods from mythology. They’re high octane mythological fantasy thrillers taking place over 13,000 years across multiple heroines.

POV: Characters: Katrina, Akta, Julia, Kimberly, Rebecca


The end of the Universe is coming, and it will consume everything in its wake.

It’s been over 10,000 years since the Apocalypse, and all is not well in the cosmos.

The Godschurch is in shambles, hemorrhaging money and support among the pantheons. Katrina, Julia, Akta, and Rebecca spend their days fighting for backing among the deities but are making mercilessly little headway with them.

In the eyes of the immortals, the Godschurch is a joke. However, when the gods start dying at an incredible rate, the church might be the only hope for the galaxy…whether the divines like it or not.

Join Katrina, Akta, Julia, Kimberly, and Rebecca in the most explosive entry into The Godsverse Chronicles yet, as they work to stop the Primordials from unraveling the very fabric of existence…with the fate of the Universe hanging in the balance.