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Start one of my favorite series for free! It's true. Seriously, get my book for free

This anthology has a little something for everyone. This gorgeous hardcover book is packed with creepy, timely, and funny stories for all ages. If you are a Lovecraft fan, you will have a blast reading them all. If you know nothing about Lovecraft, it doesn't matter, you will also have a blast.

I edited this anthology and contributed the title story Battle Royale, drawn by Erik Lervold.


Cthulhu is Hard to Spell: Battle Royale features stories by Trina Robbins (the first woman to draw Wonder Woman) David Pepose (Scout’s Honor), Christian Gossett (The Red Star), and a fantastic cover by Aaron Alexovich (Invader Zim), among many fabulous writers and artists.
In total, over 75+ creators contributed 34 incredible stories to this third 180-page hardcover collection, and the results are pretty mindblowing.